Product & Services

Deposit in our Bank does not use Certificate of Deposit, only use Deposit Confirmation. Deposit On Call (DOC) is Time Deposit that can only be withdrawn with certain prior notification before.

A. Benefit and Risk


  1. As a facility for a relatively safe investment because it is guaranteed by the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) in accordance with applicable regulations.
  2. As a facility to maintain customer's financial stability.
  3. An interest rate that is greater than the current account product.
  4. Deposits can be used as a loan guarantee.
  5. Flexibility in payment of deposit interest (can be recorded in the customer's account and transferred to another bank).


  1. Market Risk
    Risk occurred due to market interest fluctuation.
  2. Operational Risk
    The dysfunction of internal process, human error, system failure or external event.
  3. Risk For Customers
  • If the Bank subject to liquidation, then the customer deposits funds cannot fully paid, but only be paid according amount covered by the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC/LPS), with the deposit interest rate according to the specified LPS maximum interest rate
  • If customers withdraw deposits before maturity, the risks arising is not receive interest.

B. Procedures and Using Guidance
The maturity of Deposit on Call is refer to business day, if the maturity is in holiday period, the maturity will apply on the next business day. If the withdrawals occurs after the maturity date, a number of excess days will be included in the calculation interest of deposit on call.

Deposit On Call Minimum Initial Deposits

Minimum Deposit On Call
Term : 1, 2 week(s)

Refer to the Fees and Charges

C. Charges

Services Charges
I. Opening  
  • Stamp Duty
II. Closing / Withdrawal (before the maturity or at maturity)  
a. Cash Withdrawal  
  • IDR
  • Foreign Currency:
           * USD Refer to the Fees and Charges
           * JPY
  • Currency exchange
Bank rate
b Transfer Account  
Transfer on another internal account:  
  • Same currency
  • Currency exchange
Bank rate
c. Transfer  
Transfer to other Bank account LLG or RTGS charge or T/T rate (Remittance)
d. Stamp Duty *) IDR 10,000

*)for certain condition

D. Interest Calculation
Interest for Deposit on Call is calculated by following conditions:

Interest Calculation Method
Gross Interest = Nominal x Interest rate x Days / 360 Days
Net Interest = Gross Interest - Tax

Tax :
The deposits interest is subject to withholding tax in accordance with the prevailing regulation.

E. Terms  

  • 1 (one) Week
  • 2 (two) Weeks

F. Additional Information
Terms and conditions for this service are listed on the Deposits Account Opening Form.