Good Corporate Governance


“Fraud” is one of negative impact in financial service. Fraud is an act of deception, an intentional concealment or trick, an attempt to cheat or manipulate the Bank, customers or other parties, which occurs at the Bank’s environment and/or using the Bank’s facilities, thus causing a loss to the Bank, its customers or other parties (source: OJK Regulation No.39/POJK.03/2019 concerning Implementation of Anti Fraud Strategy for Commercial Banks).

According to the prevailing regulations, fraudulent activities include deception, forgery, asset evasion, information leakage, banking crime, as well as other similar actions.

The implementation of Anti Fraud in the Bank involves and is the responsibility of every individual in the Bank, namely employees, the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners.

The Bank has developed an Anti Fraud Policy, a Conflict of Interest Policy, Know Your Employee Policy and Business Ethic and Code of Conduct Guideline.

The Bank has also established an Anti Fraud Function Officer based on POJK No.39/POJK.03/2019, concerning the Implementation of Anti Fraud Strategies for Commercial Banks. The Anti Fraud Function Officer is a function in charge of handling the implementation of the Anti Fraud strategy within the Bank organization. The Anti Fraud Function Officer consists of:
   1. Director in charge of Compliance Function as coordinator.
   2. Head of Compliance and AML CFT Division, as a member.
   3. Head of Human Resources as a member.
   4. Head of the Risk Management Division as a member


The Bank has formulated and implemented a comprehensive Anti Fraud strategy that applies to all of its activities including prevention, detection, investigation and evaluation.


One of the detections made by the Bank is through the whistleblower. Through whistleblower, the Bank provides a system which the internal parties and external parties, including customers and vendors can report any fraudulent activities to the management. The identity of the whistleblower remains confidential and his or her status as a whistleblower, especially employee will not affect their employment.
The method of whistleblower can be delivered directly or through e-mail to

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