Kindly contact us at (021) 570 1445 for information related to the followings:
The above phone number is a save direct line, we cannot directing you to this line if the incoming call is come from (021) 570 1958
Customer Complaint Handling Mechanism
In accordance with the Financial Services Authority Regulation, Bank Resona Perdania must inform the mechanism and provide media of Customer Complaint handling that can be used by Customer to submit Complaint regarding products and services we have.
Procedure of Submitting and Handling Customer Complaint
Flow of Delivery and Settlement of Customer Complaint
If the settlement of the Complaint submitted by Bank does not satisfy the Customer
In the event that the Complaint settlement has not satisfied the Customer, the Complaint settlement efforts can be continued through banking Facilitation / Mediation by the Bank Indonesia Regulatory (BI) or Financial Services Authority (OJK) and / or off-court settlement namely the Alternative Institutions for Financial Services Sector Dispute Settlement (LAPS SJK)