Good Corporate Governance


The implementation of the principles of Governance in the Bank is based on the following regulations:

  1. POJK No. 17/2023 on the Implementation of Governance for Commercial Banks;
  2. POJK No.45/POJK.03/2015 on the Implementation of Governance in Providing Remuneration for Commercial Banks;
  3. SEOJK No.13/SEOJK.03/2017 dated March 17, 2017 on the Implementation of Governance for Commercial Banks;
  4. SEOJK No.40/SEOJK.03/2016 dated September 26, 2016 on the Implementation of Governance in Providing Remuneration for Commercial Banks;
  5. POJK No.12/POJK.03/2020 on Consolidation of Commercial Banks.

As the best practices of Corporate Governance implementation continue to evolve with the passing of time (both in the banking industry and financial services industry), the Bank gets a better understanding on the significant benefits of implementing and developing Corporate Governance. Through its implementation and development of Corporate Governance, the Bank has established guidelines to conduct its business activities in alignment with the objectives and interests of each stakeholder.

The Bank’s implementation of Corporate Governance is based on a number of fundamental principles, including Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independency, and Fairness. The implementation of these principles within the Bank’s environment has been agreed upon by the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and all employees of the Bank as a way to establish a strong Governance process and enhance competitiveness through continuous growth and innovation in conducting its business operations.

In essence, the implementation of Governance is an integral part of the Bank’s operations. The Bank adheres to the following interpretation of governance principles:

  1. Transparency, namely openness in the decision-making process and openness in disclosing and providing information that is relevant and easily accessible to Stakeholders.
  2. Accountability, namely clarity of functions and the implementation of responsibilities for the Bank’s organs so that they can be managed effectively.
  3. Responsibility, namely conformity of Bank management with statutory provisions and ethical values as well as standards, principles and practices.
  4. Independency, namely bank management is independent and professional and free from conflicts of interest and influence or pressure from any party that is not in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations and ethical values as well as standards, principles and practices.
  5. Fairness, namely equality, balance and fairness in fulfilling Stakeholder rights arising based on agreements, provisions of laws and regulations, and ethical values as well as standards, principles and practices.

Throughout 2023, the process of governance implementation was of particular concern to the Bank’s management. This process represented a continuous effort and commitment on the part of the Bank to all stakeholders that aimed to achieve the following:

  1. Improve the performance of the Bank by elevating the competence of human resources that will ultimately have an impact on improving services to the partiesconcerned, including customers and regulators (the Financial Services Authority/Bank Indonesia), the Government, Employees, and Shareholders.

  2. Enhance the active supervision of the Board of Commissioners and the responsibility of the Board of Directors in applying the prudential principle in accordance with the principles of Governance.
  3. Intensify the role of all governance organs to protect the Bank from potential lawsuits, sanctions, and reputation risks caused by the Bank’s disobedience to applicable regulations.


Bank Resona Perdania carries out all its activities as a financial institution based on a principle of trust. In order to be able to grow healthily and sustainably, it requires a strong foundation of governance and consistent implementation of prudential banking principles, one of which is through implementing Bank compliance. In order to realize the implementation of a culture of compliance at all levels of the organization and business activities, the Bank has established a Compliance Department as an independent unit that is not related to other work units and functions. This is done in order to ensure the implementation of compliance principles at all levels of the organization and
to enforce a culture of compliance.

In addition, the Bank’s Board of Commissioners is also involved in carrying out active supervision and evaluating the implementation of this compliance function. also as well as provides advice and suggestions to improve the quality of implementation of this function. The compliance system’s workflow at the Bank can be seen in the following chart:
