About Perdania

Company Profile
PT Resona Indonesia Finance (“PT RIF”), formerly known as PT Daiwa Lippo Leasing Corporation, is a subsidiary of Bank Resona Perdania which was founded in August 1984 with a major focus on the financing of capital goods for corporations.

The Bank, in its capacity as the main shareholder, conducts monthly supervision of PT RIF’s financial performance, in addition to the annual general audit conducted by the Bank’s Internal Audit Division. In order to support its operational activities and development, the Bank also provides a loan facility to PT RIF.

To be a healthy and competitive financing company.


  1. Creating a conducive working environment and creative - productive culture for Human Resources of company;
  2. Optimizing excellent services to customers;
  3. Upholding the implementation of good corporate governance in the conduct of business;
  4. Maximizing enterprise value for all Stakeholders;
  5. Increasing the company's contribution to national economic growth, social responsibility and environmental sustainability.

Business Permit

  1. Decree of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia No. KEP-197/KM.6/2003 concerning Amendment to Decree of the Minister of Finance Number 555/KMK.017/1994 concerning The Granting of Business Licenses of Financing Institution to PT Daiwa Lippo Finance to become PT Resona Indonesia Finance;
  2. Decree of the Minister of Finance No. 555/KMK.017/1994 concerning The Granting Of Business Licenses of Financing Institutions to PT Daiwa Lippo Finance;
  3. Decree of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia No. KEP-145/KM.11/1984 concerning The Granting of Business Licenses in Leasing to PT Daiwa Lippo Leasing Corporation.

Paid-Up Capital

PT Bank Resona Perdania (99,99%)
Resona Bank Ltd., Japan (0,01%)

Board of Commissioners

Independent Commissioner : Iding Suherdi
Commissioner : Eiichiro Sakai

Board of Directors

President Director : Jun Nishimori
Director : Yuki Tanaka
Director : Evy Budijanti
Director : Sriyono


  1. The Finance Company with a "Very Good" rating on Financial Performance during 2017 from Infobank magazine, September 2018;
  2. The Finance Company in Very Good rating on Financial Performance for 10 consecutive years (December 2008 - 2017) from Infobank magazine, August 2018:
  3. One of the Five Best Finance Companies in 2017 for Asset Categories under IDR (one trillion) from Indonesian Financial Company Association, December 2017.

The Advantages of using Financing services as a Funding Strategy

  1. A fast and easy process;
  2. Potential tax benefits;
  3. The rental period is shorter than the time of depreciation;
  4. Obtaining assets with a minimum budget;
  5. Flexible down payment and time period.


Financial Highlights PT Resona Indonesia Finance

 (in Million Rupiah)  






Total Assets




Total Equity




Net Profit


