Loan is fund or bill provided based on lending agreement between bank and other parties. Borrowing parties have obligation to settle its debt on period as mentioned on the agreement that has been agreed.
Loan divided into short-term, middle-term and long-term loan. For short term loan is more utilized for working capital and long-term loan is utilized for investment loan.
Type of Product :
Overdraft Loan. This is debit balance loan on your account; this loan is automatically covering the lack of balance on your account. This loan is given in maximum 1 (one) year term.
Rupiah Currency Loan. Loan facility in Rupiah currency.
Foreign Currency Loan. Loan Facility in foreign currency.
Rupiah or Foreign Exchange Export Loan. Loan facility related with export transaction.
A. Benefit and risk
1. Credit Risk
Risk occurred due to the inability of third party to settle its obligation.
2. Market Risk
Risk occurred due to market interest and foreign exchange fluctuation.
3. Operational Risk
The dysfunction of internal process, human error, failure of system or external problem.
4. Law Risk
Infirmity jurisdiction aspect of binding contract.
5. Risk For Customer
Floating rate / interest rate is not set and fluctuate according to market rates.
B. Procedures and Using Guidance
Requirements to acquire credit facility:
Applying to be our customers.
Applying loan proposal by attaching copy of:
C. Costs
Provision is a cost that imposed to loan facility. Amount of provision cost is negotiable.
Provision Calculation
Provision = Facility Value x Provision x Terms / 12 months
Provision amount will be determined at the acquiring loan facility and its extension time.
D. Interest Calculation
Interest. Loan interest is calculated in daily basis from the outstanding facility.
Interest calculation Method
Interest =Outstanding Balance x Interest x Terms / 360 days
Loan interest rate is fluctuating in line with market condition.
E. Terms
Short-Term Loan. Loan with less than one-year payment terms.
Middle-Term Loan. Loan with more than one year and less than three years payment terms.
Long-Term Loan. Loan with more than three years payment terms.